Monday, November 16, 2009

How NOT to (merely) survive cancer

Did you catch Kyle McDonald's One Red Paperclip? In which, an enterprising guy traded for a year for a house, starting with one red paperclip? Maybe you saw SuperSize Me! in which a brave guy with questionable intelligence ate only McDonalds fast food for one month and proved that it will make you sick - and fat. These short term projects or STPs are the thinking man's reality TV.

Well, some are born to STPs, some achieve STPs and some have STPs thrust upon 'em. A few days after my last post God thrust upon me a one-year STP: breast cancer. One year to lose hold of all the projects I’ve chosen. One year to be the needy one, the un-able, the circumscribed. One year on the Tilt-a-Whirl of chemo, radiation and clinical trials. One year to focus on saving my own life (something about that just seems wrong to a lifetime, frontline Christian :p).

Nevertheless I still have choices, in the grace of God. So the STP that I chose is: How NOT to (merely) survive cancer. I will be looking for opportunities that come to me uniquely because I have cancer. Hands in the air, screaming my lungs out, I will be hoping to step off the ride next Thanksgiving, wobbly with triumph, with something more than (merely) my life in my hands.


Sam Van Eman said...

Despite the circumstances, here's to a fantastic STP year, Kim!

Laura said...

I read your comment over at HCB and just had to stop by. What an amazing lady you are, friend! I look forward to following you through this STP. I know I will learn lots. :)

You go, girl.

With my love,

Sherry said...

Wow, may the Lord bless you and keep you and cause His face to shine upon you and give you peace.

Kim Anderson said...

Bless you for your encouragements! We shall see what God will do.


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